to unlock millions in Commercial Revenue.
a container ship loading at port

Crew Change or Commercial Operations In



clock4:40:12 pm

Top 1 Nearby Airport

(BKO) senou intl

airplane flying out

Visa Information

Not available.

Port Restrictions


  • Are there any restrictions on vessels whose previous port call was from COVID -19 high risk countries?
    • Are there any restrictions on crew who embarked from COVID -19 high risk countries or specific nationalities?
      • Crew Change permitted?
        • No
      • Shore leave permitted?
      • Any other restrictions due to COVID - 19?
        • All flights have been suspended

      Flight Restrictions

      • Passengers must have
        • a COVID-19 vaccination certificate showing that they were fully vaccinated; or
        • a negative COVID-19 PCR or RT-PCR test result issued at most 72 hours before arrival.
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